Its durable structure, stylish appearance, and different color options allow the marble to be used in many areas. These features enable marble to be used as a different building and decoration product from past to present. Although its hard structure and polished surface seem easy in terms of cleaning, incorrect cleaning practices; trigger the emergence of different problems. However, different stains may occur over time, especially on marbles used in white color tones. “How to clean marble?” or “how to remove marble stains?” are many people’s questions. I’d want to provide you with the answers to your inquiries.

Before answering the question of how to remove a marble stain, I would like to share some information about how to prevent this stain formation. Such stains are very annoying, especially on kitchen countertops, tables, or coffee tables. In order to prevent the formation of these yellow or other colored stains on white marble, cleaning applications must be done with the right materials. First, I would like to give some tips on how to clean the marble in order to prevent stains on the marble.

How to Clean Marble?

Although marbles have a hard structure, they can lose their outer surface properties over time and affect the staining of the marble. The most important factor affecting this is the wrong use of marble or wrong cleaning practices. For this reason, to prolong the life of marble or use it more healthily, you should know the features of this product and avoid wrong applications. After this short reminder, I would like to share the right and wrong mistakes in marble cleaning for those who research how to remove marble stains.

  • Many people think that marble has an anti-scratch feature due to its hard structure. Unfortunately, hard, and abrasive materials can spoil the surface of the marble: hard objects should not be preferred for cleaning marble (the most common mistake in this regard is the use of steel wool for cleaning marble.)
  • Use of acid-containing chemical products for cleaning marble. Chemical products claimed to remove all kinds of stains and damage the natural structure of marble. For this reason, chemicals should be avoided in marble cleaning.
  • Marble cleaning with particulate cleaning materials damages the marble rather than cleaning it. In addition, the particles cause the marble to be scratched over time.
  • Since acid-containing products such as lemon or vinegar damage the marble, you should minimize the contact of such products with the marble.
  • Materials or products spilled on the marble must be cleaned in a short time; coke, tea, juice, etc. When products come into contact with marble, they should be wiped without losing time.
  • Regular cleaning of marbles should not be interrupted at different time intervals depending on the usage areas since regular cleaning prevents the stains that will form on the marble.

After these situations, which we have mentioned in order to prevent stains on the marble, I would like to point out how the marble cleaning, which many people do wrong, should be. The most effective and most used cleaning product for cleaning marble surfaces is known as bleach. You can also use bleach to make white marbles brighter and cleaner. What you need to pay attention to in this regard will be to ensure that no bleach residue is left on the surface. However, you can perform marble cleaning with such products by choosing known and high-quality products among different marble cleaning products.

How to Remove Marble Stain?

It is very difficult to remove the stains poured on the marble and penetrate it over time. For this, your priority should be to prevent the formation of such stains and to remove their contact with the marble in a short time. Whatever the reason, yellow staining on white marble products over time has been a problem for many people. In order to eliminate this problem, they are looking for answers to the questions of “how to remove a marble stain?” or “what removes a marble stain?“. Although different cleaning products are used in this regard, I would like to discuss two products that are the most practical and easiest to remove this stain and are in everyone’s home.

Oxygenated water and carbonite. These two products are very effective in marble cleaning, especially removing stains. The bleaching feature of the carbonate and the whitening feature of the area where the oxygenated water is applied helps you with the problems of stains on the marble. Put these two products in a bowl and mix them. Then apply this mixture fluid to the stained area on the marble or the entire marble surface. You can use a sponge or wooden spoon to rub the mixture. Cover the applied mixture with a plastic wrap and wait for about 20-25 minutes. Then finish the process by wiping it with a clean cloth. You will see that the stains on the marble that you cannot remove with different cleaning materials are removed and cleaned.

How is Marble Polished?

The marble, which is meticulously taken from the mine where it is located and acquires a bright and vibrant structure following certain operations, deforms over time. Many factors, especially incorrect cleaning practices during use, affect the marble’s wear or loss of brightness over time. Although this is a situation that many people do not want, I would like to state that there is a way to fix it. First of all, correct cleaning practices are very important not to encounter this problem or postpone this event. In addition, marble preferences according to the usage area ensure that this situation occurs less. For whatever reason, the loss of brightness of marble surfaces should not mean that this product will no longer be used. As a result of some applications, marble can regain its old shiny and bright appearance.

How to polish the marble?” or “what should be done to make the marble different?” These questions can be answered with special chemicals and materials known as polishing stones. For this, experts in this field evaluate the marble’s structure, type, and location. Then, with the right material preferences, this process is carried out with the help of marble wiping machines. The marble surface is wiped, and the marble regains its former shine. Afterward, the marble surface is polished and regained its former shine and smoothness.

How to Clean Worn Marble?

After our answers to the questions of “how to remove the marble stain?” and “how to polish the marble?“, I would like to talk about another problem we frequently encounter in this field; “how to clean worn marbles?“. As a result of incorrect use, wrong cleaning materials, or contact of acidic products with marble, there may be wear on the products. These abrasions, which occur due to these or other related reasons, negatively affect the appearance of the marble. It is possible to restore the old appearance of marbles that have lost their lively, shiny, and smooth structure or that have been damaged.

Applications known as marble wiping or marble polishing should be done to restore worn marble. Of course, these applications are carried out by experts, namely masters. For this, it is of great benefit to contact a company that has the necessary materials and equipment or provides quality service in this field. I want to state that different materials and artistry are applied according to the eroded marble’s type, dimensions, and application areas. Marble removal is available for worn or scratched marbles that have lost their new appearance over time.

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