Luna Piera marble, this stone is especially preferred for building stone, fireplaces, stairs, countertops, sinks, monuments, poolside, thresholds, ornamental stones, mosaic, interior, exterior, wall, floor, pavement and other design projects.
Luna Piera marble is used in interior and exterior coatings of projects, flooring, stair steps, floor and wall coverings of bathrooms, bathroom countertops, column coverings. There are also applications in fireplace coating. With its appearance, extremely bright spaces are obtained. Luna Piera marble, which is also in demand as polished mosaic, is combined with marbles of different colors to create mosaic sets.
Those who want to add richness to their home decoration can also choose Luna Piena marble. It can also be used as decorative objects such as a dining table, coffee table or even trinket, candle holder and ashtray in interior decoration. Having a classic appearance, Luna Piera marble gives a classic look to your homes. Luna Piera beige marble is also known in the market as “Sivrihisar beige marble and Rose beige marble”.
Sivrihisar beige marble is in the group of light colored marbles. The product, which contains patterns in white and pastel tones, mainly cream and beige, impresses with its naive color. Natural stone, which adds spaciousness and calmness to spaces due to its light color, promises a long-lasting use with its strong structure.
The application of the marble type, which is also known as Eskişehir Light Beige, Sivrihisar marble, is also extremely important. It is seen that users who start using this really high quality marble type in the right place and at the right time have access to many real-featured opportunities. It draws attention that all kinds of products and services offered in our modern world find a buyer and meet their expectations with the help of these buyers.
Sivrihisar beige marble is an elegant and elegant blend of gold and beige marble mined in Turkey. This stone is especially good for ornamental stone, interior-exterior, wall, floor application, stairs, mosaic, countertop and other design projects. It is also called “Anadolu Cream Beige Marble, Sivrihisar Beige Marble, Sivrihisar Crema Marble, Anadolu Beige Marble, Crema Elegance Marble, Elegance Beige Marble”.
Sivrihisar beige; It has a light white beige appearance. Sivrihisar beige marble is used in flooring, interior exterior cladding, steps and windowsills, marble table applications. It is in the group we call light beige, that is, light beige. This product has also been used in many buildings and large hotel and entertainment center projects. We can say that its appearance and brightness are quite beautiful.
Crema Elegance marble; It has a light beige tone and a very light patterned structure. Crema Elegance marble is preferred for all kinds of floor and wall covering works, poolside designs and stair floorings in indoor and outdoor areas. It is one of the most preferred beige marble models, which can be used both as matte in the exterior areas and as polished in the interior areas and poolside. Crema Elegance marble is also recommended as a building or building coating in outdoor areas, as it has a very high resistance to rain and sun.
Rose beige marble is a kind of beige marble mined in Turkey. This stone is especially good for countertops, mosaics, exterior – interior wall and floor applications, fountains, pool and wall cladding, stairs, window sills and other design projects. Rose beige marble is also called “Bursa Sugar Beige, Bursa Rose Marble, Bursa Rose, Bursa Beige Rose, Cream Anatolian Marble, Bursa Rosa Beige Marble”. Rose beige marble can be polished, sawn, sanded, stone faced, sandblasted, tumbled, etc. can be processed.
Luna Pietra marble in English literatureAnatolian Cream Beige Marble, Sivrihisar Beige Marble, Sivrihisar Crema Marble, Anatolian Beige Marble, Crema Elegance Marble, Elegance Beige Marble, Eskişehir Light Beige Marble, Rose Beige Marble, Rosa Light Beige Marble, New Rosa Beige Marble, Bursa Rose Sugar Beige, Bursa Rose Sugar Beige Marble, Bursa Beige Rose, Bursa Rosa Beige Marble, Luna Piera Beige Marble, Crema Marfil Marble‘ is called.